1.15 hours
If they are going 100 kilometers an hour, and they need to go 115 k, then do 115/100 which is 1.15 which is the time
2Fe + 3H2SO4 + Fe2(SO4)3+ 3H2
1. Fe (SO4) 3 is an incorrectly written formula because iron is trivalent as we can see by this three ahead of SO4. SO4 is divalent always.
2. since (SO4) is 3, this three shows us that there must be 3 in the reactants as well.
so now there is 3H2SO4
3. Since we have added 3 to one hydrogen we must add another. So now it's 3H2
4. and finally iron. In Fe2 (SO4) 3 we see this 2 in front of Fe which means it goes 2Fe.
Decant means "to pour." Kids moving water back and forth between two cups, your dad pouring a bucket of soapy water in the sink, or a wine expert emptying a bottle of wine into a fancy glass container — all of them are decanting liquids.
Phosphorus tribromide is a covalent compound because they share electron pairs.