The solution and complete explanation for the above question and mentioned conditions is given below in the attached document.i hope my explanation will help you in understanding this particular question.
The correct answer is A : Orientation dependence of normal and shear stresses at a point in mechanical members
Since we know that in a general element of any loaded object the normal and shearing stresses vary in the whole body which can be mathematically represented as

Mohr's circle is the graphical representation of the variation represented by the above 2 formulae in the general oriented element of a body that is under stresses.
The Mohr circle is graphically displayed in the attached figure.
- def median(l):
- if(len(l) == 0):
- return 0
- else:
- l.sort()
- if(len(l)%2 == 0):
- index = int(len(l)/2)
- mid = (l[index-1] + l[index]) / 2
- else:
- mid = l[len(l)//2]
- return mid
- def mode(l):
- if(len(l)==0):
- return 0
- mode = max(set(l), key=l.count)
- return mode
- def mean(l):
- if(len(l)==0):
- return 0
- sum = 0
- for x in l:
- sum += x
- mean = sum / len(l)
- return mean
- lst = [5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 15, 25, 30, 45, 61]
- print(mean(lst))
- print(median(lst))
- print(mode(lst))
Firstly, we create a median function (Line 1). This function will check if the the length of list is zero and also if it is an even number. If the length is zero (empty list), it return zero (Line 2-3). If it is an even number, it will calculate the median by summing up two middle index values and divide them by two (Line 6-8). Or if the length is an odd, it will simply take the middle index value and return it as output (Line 9-10).
In mode function, after checking the length of list, we use the max function to estimate the maximum count of the item in list (Line 17) and use it as mode.
In mean function, after checking the length of list, we create a sum variable and then use a loop to add the item of list to sum (Line 23-25). After the loop, divide sum by the length of list to get the mean (Line 26).
In the main program, we test the three functions using a sample list and we shall get
Aerobic biological treatment process
Aerobic biological treatment process in which micro-organisms, in the presence of oxygen, metabolize organic waste matter in the water, thereby producing more micro-organisms and inorganic waste matter like CO₂, NH₃ and H₂O.