It sounds fine, but it may be a bit too long. It's difficult to shorten things like this, but getting more straight to the point would give it that "catchy" feel.
Al comenzar la reacción: N2(g) + 2O2(g) ------> 2NO2(g) existe 1 mol de N2 y 2 moles de O2 y al
finalizarla está presente una mezcla formada por 2,2 moles en total, ¿cuál es el rendimiento para la
Not sure how in depth or what level of particles but I will go as deep as I know. The matter that makes up the world is comprised of 12 particles which are known as fermions. There are 12 fermions which are made up of 6 quarks (up, charm, top, Down, Strange, Bottom) 3 electrons (electron, muon, tau) and three neutrinos (e, muon, tau). Technically, only the up quark, down quark, electron, and electron neutrino are necessary to create all known matter since others would simply be very unstable and decay into those particles. The other type of particles are known as Bosons. These particles transmit forces and all sorts of different interactions. I have included a photo from online which describes the main characteristics of each elementary particle.
Explained below
Metalloids are elements that possess properties between that of metals and non - metals or that have properties that a re a combination of those of metals and non - metals. Whereas a metal is one that conducts electricity and heat very well.
Now, the property they both share is that they both possess valence orbitals which are highly de-localized over macroscopic volumes, thereby allowing both of them to be conductors of electricity although it has to be said that Metalloids don't conduct electricity as much as metals.