The answer to your question is A. TRUE
Because developed nations have proper healthcare, hygiene, environment, and standard ways of living, it can sustain and take care of its residents. Residents can live peacefully without fearing for their next meal and because they are nourished and pampered well, they can easily enjoy and have the time to interact with each other. Human interaction is crucial to the development of nations because happy people tend to live longer. Because of living longer and healthier, they are able to reproduce properly.
10x = 16y. As Sp is less than cp so there is loss. Loss is 8y/5-y / 8y/5 * 100 = 37.5%.
lol i in 7th grade and i know this haha
A surrogate mother donates her uterus to assist another woman who cannot become or stay pregnant because that another woman has some problem in getting her eggs produced or in getting fertilized.
Surrogate is a process in which a woman's egg is getting fertilized artificially with the sperm of a man who belongs to a couple. After the egg gets fertilized then, that fertilized egg is transferred to the uterus of a woman who belongs to above mention couple.
So a third person will help a couple to have a baby, and that third person is called a surrogate mother who donates his uterus. This surrogate mother is called a biological mother.
Learn more about surrogate mother here