I need points wiyyyyyrtyrrytryr
In this scenario while taking two psychology courses of cognition and learning and are giving midterm exams tomorrow. Once you finished studying for your cognition test, and are attempting to study for the learning exam. While you find it difficult to recall the material on learning; you are experiencing proactive interference. It refers to the interference which effect of previously learned materials on the acquisition and retrieval of newer materials. If we take an example in today's life it could be the difficulty in remembering a friend's new phone number after having previously learned the old number.
Answer: Racial groups
A race is based on an idea that people are divided into distinct groups based on their shared inherited physical features and shared social qualities. It is also based on visual characteristics such as skin color , cranial and facial features or even type of hair
These increased options led to a rise in advertising, as businesses competed for customers
Answer: The correct answer is: II. Secrete Ballots
III. Split ticket voting
Explanation: In 1896 progressives achieved that in almost all states a secret ballot was implemented. This type of secret voting was announced by the state, all candidates and all parties were listed. Through this system people could divide their ticket when voting and they were no longer required to vote for the party line.