The right answer is Electrocardiography (or Electrocardiogram).
In a typical plot, one can notice five characteristic waves. They are called P, Q, R, S and T. The illustration below shows what a normal electrocardiogram looks like:
* the P wave marks the depolarization during the contraction of the atria;
* the PR interval indicates the time required to transmit the electrical impulse of the sinus node of the atria to the ventricular muscles;
* the QRS complex marks depolarization and ventricular contraction;
* the QT interval corresponds to the global ventricular repolarization;
* T wave refers to the end of ventricular repolarization.
I have accomplished reading more, I was not a very good reader befor the last year and I have really stepped up my game lately! I have read many books and increased my vocabulary and my revading skills very much so.
This has made me very proud because a lot of people in my family are really good readers and I have never been one so this makes me feel proud that now i can sorta keep up with everyone. And i just feel as if this skill will help later in life.
Sasha recently discovered an armpit lump
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