Stage 1 - <span>The ear collects compression waves.
Stage 2 - </span>The ear amplifies the compression waves.
Stage 3 - <span>The amplified waves stimulate the hair cells of the ear.
Stage 4 - </span><span>The hair cells transmit nerve impulses to the brain
Stage 5 -</span><span>The brain interprets the nerve impulses.
Hope this helps!</span>
Virus, Parasite, and Fungi all use a host for pure personal gain. Some strains of bacteria are beneficial, and are ingested regularly in the form of probiotics.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder mainly in reading. In most cases dyslexia jumbles up letters like b and d and m and w but there are many diffrent types of dyslexia and you can over come dyslexia in many ways like studying harder or getting a tutor.