You need to multiply 188 by 25%. But first convert 25% to a decimal 0.25.
188*0.25 is 47
Now we subtract 188 - 47
Which is 141
$141 is the sales price.
Hi there!

Use the kinematic equation to solve for acceleration:

vf = final velocity
vi = initial velocity
t = time
Plug in the given values:

<span>c. 4.6
21 X .22= 4.6
Calculating the variance requires finding the product of 21 and 22%. To make this easier we convert 22% into it's decimal form and construct the equation. To back check this answer we can use 10% of 21 voters which equals 2.1% then double that amount to reach 4.2%, knowing that we now have a close approximation of the variance we can eliminate answers a, b, and d, leaving c as the only logical choice.</span>
$ 15.00
Step-by-step explanation:
9.95 is JUST about 10
5.25 is close to 5
10 + 5 = 15
true because the square root is a number times itself and 4*4 is 16