Because at atmospheric pressure the boiling point is below room temperature, just like Oxygen, Nitrogen etc
significado es veneno o toxina. Se trata de una entidad biológica que cuenta con la capacidad de autorreplicarse al utilizar la maquinaria celular. Un virus está formado por una cápside de proteínas que envuelve al ácido nucleico (ADN o ARN).
I’m pretty sure the answer is “plant cell”
The 3rd answer down.
Na²O (sodium oxide) will be a base when exposed to water H²O
Sodium Oxide Na²O, will become Sodium Hydroxide after being exposed to water (at 80% I believe).
The oxygen ion in Na²O has 2 extra electrons which makes it highly charged and very attractive to hydrogen ions. The attraction is so strong that when Na²O comes in contact with H²O, the O(-2) strips off a hydrogen from water, forming 2 x OH ions which of course are still strongly basic.