Lever: a bar used to move something
Wedge: a tool used to go in between object to put them in place
Incline plane : a ramp it’s used to help rise heavy things
Pulley: it’s a wheel that supports movement and change of direction
Weight = m times g = 5.23 times 8.83 = 46.18 N
I think accuracy is more important. When it comes to vital organs in the body, the exactness of getting the measurement is paramount. Accuracy deals with getting very close, almost exact you may say, to a known standard. Precision on the other hand, deals with how easy a measurement can be retaken, reproduced or remade, irrespective of how far or close they are from the accepted norm.
From this, we can agree that precision neglects the most important factor, closeness or say, exactness. Precision isn't bothered by it. And while that can be excused in a few instances, it certainly can not be permitted when it comes to life, or organs of the body
Charging a balloon and rubbing it on wool is an example of static electricity.
Answer: vf1/vf2= 1/ sqrt(2)
Explanation :on the moon no drag force so we have only the force of gravity. aceleration is g(moon)= 1.62m/s2.the rest is basic kinematics
if the rock travels H to the bottom we can calculate velocity:
vo=0m/s (drops the rock) , yo=0
vf*vf= vo*vo+2g(y-yo)
when the rock is halfway y = H/2 so:
vf1*vf1=2*g*H/2 so vf1 = sqrt(gH)
when the rock reach the bottom y=H so:
vf2*vf2=2*g*H so vf2 = sqrt(2gH)
so vf1/vf2= 1/ sqrt(2)
good luck from colombia