They come late - without any notification, usually not nice. they delay, or corruption.
Frankfort school
Critical theory is a school of thought which emphasizes the contemplative evaluation and analysis of society and culture by implementing principles from the humanities and social sciences.
As a phase, critical theory has two definitions with different sources and histories: The first introduced in sociology and the second introduced in literary criticism.
Critical theory is used and implemented in the sense which can describe a philosophy founded upon critique. Thus, the scholar Max Horkheimer explained a theory as critical which attempts "to release human beings from the conditions that enslave them".
B. Queried
In anthropologist field, Queried is an act of giving doubts toward the validity of a certain claim. Keep in mind that Queried does not mean completely reject the claim. But it merely suggest that might be a good idea to gain further evidence to proof that claim.
This can be seen when they are examining whether Neanderthal is a direct ancestor to humans. They based that assumption due to our similar mitochondrial. Even though it might be possible, we need to gained further proof to strengthen that claim. (since chimpanzees with identical mitochondrial are not closely related to us)
The answers are profane and sacred. According to French
Sociologist, Emile Durkheim, Australian Aborigines separated their domain into
the profane or the scope of repetitive, average life, and the sacred or the
sphere endowed with divine significance. Aboriginal Australians or also known
as Australian Aborigines are a group of indigenous people found in the mainland
of Australia or the island of Tasmania.
The kingdoms united for protection against attacking invaders.