From the question above;
From the income statement;
1. debit of $37000,
2. Credit of $49000,
The income is $12000, while from the balance sheets,
1. Debit of $85000
2. Credit of $73000,
Income is -$12000,
The net income is $12000 while net loss is also -$12000
Because it has all the conditions for a city to be built
Authoritarian personalities were found to be associated with intolerance by Adorno. Authoritarian personality is a perspective or state of mind portrayed by faith in total dutifulness or accommodation to one's own particular specialist, and additionally the organization of that conviction through the persecution of one's subordinates.
Representative democracy is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected officials representing a group of people, as opposed to direct democracy.
It is also called indirect form of government.