To convert 7,614 mm to dm , you would move the decimal point 2 places to the left.
Step-by-step explanation:
Notice that:
● 1/2 = 0.5
● 4/5 = 0.8
0.8 is greater than 0.5.
● 0.8 > 0.5
● 4/5 > 1/2
Graph of f(x-3) is compressed by a factor of
horizontally of f(x).
<u>Step-by-step explanation:</u>
We have, the graph of f(x)=
, on replacing f(x) by f(x-3) we get:
.Below shown are the images for graph of f(x) and f(x-3). Both are functions are exponential , and so having exponential graph but f(x-3) is compressed by a factor of
horizontally . Domain and range of both functions are same i.e. F(x) & f(x-3) domain & range are same , just difference in graph :
5 gerbils = p dollars
1 gerbil = p/5 dollars
g gerbils = pg / 5 dollars
5/p gerbils = 1 dollar
5d/p gerbils = d dollars