B. the light will reach the front of the rocket at the same instant that it reaches the back of the rocket.
To an observer at rest in the rocket who can't see either sides of the rocket, the speed of the light is constant which means the distance to the front or the back is same and would appear to reach the rocket at the same time.
Although from the point of view of the person on the earth, the front of the rocket is travelling in opposite direction of the light while the back of the rocket is moving closer to the light. This means that the distance travelled by the light going forward will be longer going backwards. And since the speed of light is constant in both directions, the light will reach the back of the rocket before it reaches the front for the observer on the earth.
If you're listening to a sound that has a steady pitch, and suddenly the
pitch goes up, then you know that two things could have happened:
-- The person or other source making the sound could have
raised the pitch of the sound being produced.
OR ...
-- The person or other source making the sound could have
started moving toward you.
OR ...
-- both.
Even if the pitch of the sound leaving the source doesn't change,
you would still hear it increase if the source starts moving toward
you. That's the so-called "Doppler effect".
northen henisphere,southern hemisphere, Eastern hemisphere, Western hemisphere.