First I subtracted 8 from 24 because there are 24 hours in a day ad she spends 8 of those hours sleeping. I then took the answer which was 16, and multiplied that by 60 to find out how many minutes were in 16 hours and I got 960. I then multiplied 960 by 5 because she winks 5 times each minute. This left me with the answer 4,800.
You awser is c to the question
I got it correct on accelus
<span>Speed (rms) = sqrt 3KT/m, where:
K = Boltzmann's costant = 1.38*10^-23 joule/K;
T = temperature in Kelvin degrees = 273 - 63 = 210 K;
m = 44 * 1.672*10^-27 Kg;
1.672*10^-27 Kg (good approximation) is the weight of a single a.m.u. (atomic mass unit);
44 is molecular weight of CO2.
Molecular Speed (CO2) = sqrt 3*1.38*10^-23*210/44*1.672*10^-27 = 344 m/sec.
Excuse me for some imperfection in my language, I am from South Italy. My cordiality to You, hello.</span>
You could make the two rubbing thingers come closer together.