Capitalization rate
Capitalization rate is a rate mostly used in real estate valuation that is used as a standard to compare a variety of real estate investments. It is calculated in percentage and in terms of the ratio of the net operating income provided or produced by an asset to the original cost or market value of the of the asset.
To deploy and integrate security features in a shorter period of time
Given that accelerator in cybersecurity is a means of enhancing the implementation and information of security measures in a very faster way.
Therefore, the purpose of Accenture's Security practice of using several accelerators when building solutions for their clients is "to deploy and integrate security features in a shorter period of time."
look i don't care...
just joking i don't know that question
La cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias (P&G) es un estado financiero que resume los ingresos, los costos y los gastos incurridos durante un período específico, generalmente un trimestre o año fiscal. La cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias es sinónimo de la cuenta de resultados. Estos registros proporcionan información sobre la capacidad o incapacidad de una empresa para generar beneficios mediante el aumento de los ingresos, la reducción de los costos o ambos. Algunos se refieren al estado de ganancias y pérdidas como un estado de ganancias y pérdidas, estado de resultados, estado de operaciones, estado de resultados financieros o ingresos, estado de ganancias o estado de gastos
Three part test.
The outcome: if the three requirements are not met, then there is not point the Government should interfere.
At the end, the law will be held.
In some cases, the courts are allowed to protect individual, company or business organization from Government interrupting with these individuals or business organization "fundamental right" and this is the "substantive due process rights " of insurance companies as mentioned in the question above.
The test that the United State Supreme Court can use to determine whether the regulations they want to enact would violate the substantive due process rights of insurance companies is what is known as the THREE PARR TEST.
THE THREE PART TEST has its root from cases such as that of Pasgraf V Long Island Railroad co. The three part test involves three main subjects and they are;
=> foreseeability: are the policies in which insurance companies work going to affect the consumers in the future?
=> proximity: what kind of relationship do the insurance companies have with there consumers?
=> fairness: are these policies just and fair?
CONCLUSION: if the three requirements are not met, then there is not point the Government should interfere.