No it could not have survived. Problem was Rome wasn't a stable republic, it was a very unstable one. ... Its just a matter of time before one of those men marches on Rome "to protect his rights", or two of them in some power sharing agreement (like Octavian and Antony) come to blows.
Well, I'd say it was Skinner because the rest didn't even research operant conditioning, they were only interested in classical one (which involved just association between 2 stimuli).
Electricity is the main power available in the modern world. It is used in all fields ranging from household to the operation of the industries and heavy constructions. So it is called an infrastructure of development.
so army I hope you got an answer if yes then thanks for understanding I purple you army
Electricity is delivered to consumers through a complex network. Electricity is generated at power plants and moves through a complex system, sometimes called the grid, of electricity substations, transformers, and power lines that connect electricity producers and consumers.