The term defined as the change in direction of light when it goes from one medium into a different medium is refraction.
Refraction is the change of direction on the propagation of a beam of light when it passes from a medium to other; this only happens when the light travels at different speeds in both media.
When a beam of light that travels in the air incedes in a slab of glass, part of the beam is reflected (bounces) and part is refracted (it penetrates in the glass and changes the angle).
Also,due to the different speeds of light in air and water, when a beam of light passes from air to water, it refracts.
a. Concave down
Linear increasing
b. Increases the reaction rate
c. The reaction approaches the saturation point of the enzyme
a. For the reaction with enzyme, the shape is concave down. The action of the enzyme on the preferred substrate is initially very rapid and decreases as the enzyme becomes saturated and the ratio of products to substrate increases to approach an equilibrium rate of reaction
For the reaction without enzyme, the shape is linear and increasing. Increase in the concentration of the substrate will increase the number of effective collisions that lead into product formation leading to an increased rate of the chemical reaction
b. The enzyme increases the proportion of effective combination of substrates to form the products
c. The curve of the reaction with enzyme flattens out because as the concentration of the substrate increases while that of the enzyme remains the same, the enzyme becomes saturated and less able to increase the rate of the reaction of the excess substrate.
A) Na2S
b) AlF3
c) O2
d) C6H12O6
increasing the number of molecules that have sufficient kinetic energy to react.
An increase in temperature affects the reaction rate by increasing the number of molecules that have sufficient kinetic energy to react.
or we say; temperature increase, leads to an increase in the amount of collisions between molecules.