What is the usual relationship between a country’s standard of living and literacy rate of that country? Usually the relationship between a country's standard of living and literacy rate directly relate to one another. When a country has a high standard of living, the literacy rate is also high because the norms are set to a higher standard. In society, everything relates to one another and because of one thing comes another outcome and so on.
Conflict perspective
Our society comprises of an ever-changing set of relationships with essential differences of economic interests. Conflict is a common phenomenon in all human sociological strata and sport is not an exception. Sport provides a common ground for participants and spectators to discuss common subjects relating to the sport and argues based on facts to uphold facts and general predictions on various topics in a competitive environment.
Mores determine what is considered moral and ethical behavior, which makes them more strict than folkways. One difference between a more and a folkway is the following: Mores may carry serious consequences if violated; folkways do not. Folkways on the other hand are norms for routine or casual interaction.
Answer: Abuse of human rights
The major drive of conflict is when human rights are abused. Human right can be abused when there is no respect for the decisions taken by the other fellow or they are abused for their colour or their personal decisions, all these are what can lead to human rights violation.