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The relationship between stress and illness is complex. psychiatric illness is stronger than the correlation with medical or physical illness.There is no scientific evidence of a direct cause-and-effect relationship The immune system has about 1 trillion lymphocytes.
if this confuses you let me know or wrong answer plz
I think I can assist you with the first question. Many people believe student athletes are given special treatment or perceived as students who receive special treatment. There are different stories and scandals about student athletes every day. The media especially likes to focus on the negative stories about student athletes rather than the good ones. Feel good stories are nice but scandal stories increase revenue. I doubt I can be helpful with the other questions. That is why it would be a wise decision to go to Prime Writings to get the needed help.
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The roughage or fiber is important part of the diet as it improves the digestion and lowers the heart related disease. Two main two types of fiber are insoluble fiber and soluble fiber.
The pastry is not a good source of fiber as it contains around 4 gm of saturated fat. The amount of fat ( 13 gm), cholesterol ( 60 milligram) and sodium is more than the prescribed values for the individuals diet. The amount of fiber also depends on the other food ingredients as well.
kidney stones
people with high oxalate diets are more prone to developing health problems, including kidney stones.
Ok when we inhale we are letting oxygen inside of us, that oxygen that we inhale helps our blood move around our bodies. When we breath out taking out all the old air thats called carbon dioxide and it is very dangerous because it can make us stop breathing if we dont find new oxygen fast. Please if you need more info just private message me.