After 4 half-lives, there was 1 gram.
1 half-life earlier, after 3 half-lives, there must have been 2 grams.
1 half-life earlier, after 2 half-lives, there must have been 4 grams.
1 half-life earlier, after 1 half-life, there must have been 8 grams.
1 half-life earlier, when it started decaying, there must have been 16 grams. <em>(B) </em>
as at 80 friction it's a 360?
7. (D) uniformly accelerated vertical motion
8. (A) zero
9. (A) zero
10. (C) parabolic
The fundamental tone determines what note you hear. But each instrument produces different overtones, so the blending of the fundamental tones and overtones produces different sound qualities. Resonance Resonance affects the sound quality of a. musical instrument by increasing the loudness of certain overtones.