they have the same mass
The force applied by the field is a function of the charge and velocity, so the acceleration experienced by a particle will be dependent upon its mass. Particles in orbits with the same radius are exhibiting the same acceleration, so must have the same mass.
Answer: When an ambulance passes with its siren blaring, you hear the pitch of the siren change: as it approaches, the siren’s pitch sounds higher than when it is moving away from you. This change is a common physical demonstration of the Doppler effect.
Explanation: down
2.activity log
3.specific warm up
4.activities of daily living
5.planned exercise
6.general warm up
Answer: VENUS
Venus tiene una lenta rotación retrógrada, lo que significa que gira de este a oeste, en lugar de hacerlo de oeste a este como lo hacen la mayoría de los demás planetas mayores (Urano también tiene una rotación retrógrada, aunque el eje de rotación de Urano, inclinado 97.86°, prácticamente descansa sobre el plano.