They both attract things.
To find the values of the motor efficiency you use the following formula:
P_o: output power = 864J/0.5min=864J/30s=28.8W
P_i: input power = I*V = (3A)(12V) = 36W
By replacing this values you obtain:
hence, the motor efficiency is about 96%
Pentru a găsi valorile eficienței motorului, utilizați următoarea formulă:
P_o: putere de ieșire = 864J / 0.5min = 864J / 30s = 28.8W
P_i: putere de intrare = I * V = (3A) (12V) = 36W
Înlocuind aceste valori obțineți:
prin urmare, eficiența motorului este de aproximativ 96%
see, torque=force × perpendicular distance
...that perpendicular distance is between axis of rotation and the point where force acts... so in above's case perpendicular distance is zero... so the torque is zero!
The statement which best describes how light waves travel in an uniform medium is in straight lines. The correct answer will be A.
It might be 4.0 or 2.22344 seconds as velocity speed