One similarity between the Mayans and ancient Egypt is that both have developed a script without any outside influence, and that their script (the Hieroglyphs and the Maya script) are a combination of a syllabic and logographic script - some words have their own symbols, but there are also symbols for single sounds
posttraumatic stress disorder.
The posttraumatic stress disorder which is popularly known as PTSD is a kind of disorder that occur when someone is unable to to regain his or her sense back because of the bad or traumatic experience that person has witnessed before.
This is the same case with the mayor, the mayor of Springfield has probably witnessed the terrible car accident involving 25 cars that all caught on fire twenty years ago and the mayor has not recovered from the traumatic experience.
The symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder includes flashback, fear, self-destructive behaviour, nightmares, agitation and many more.
It can be treated by using psychotherapies and through the use of medications.
Individuals are said to be collaborating when the art of getting things done through people
Try "The French Government Became An Absolute Monarchy"
Yes,I stereotyped an individual on the first day of class.
Explanation:My assumptions are;
Extremely fashionable students are not academically inclined.
Extremely fashionable student believe their looks could make them access opportunities easily.
How my assumptions changed.
I created time to communicate with these students and I was convinced that they are not who I taught they were because my assumption changed totally after having an effective communication.
I was incredibly surprised at their dedication towards their academics which made them top the class.