1) C
2) B
3) A/B not sure
4) C I think
384.2 K
First we convert 27 °C to K:
- 27 °C + 273.16 = 300.16 K
With the absolute temperature we can use <em>Charles' law </em>to solve this problem. This law states that at constant pressure:
Where in this case:
We input the data:
300.16 K * 1600 m³ = T₂ * 1250 m³
And solve for T₂:
T₂ = 384.2 K
Answer:1:En química, el número másico o número de masa es la suma del número de protones y el número de neutrones del núcleo de un átomo. Se simboliza con la letra A (el uso de esta letra proviene de alemán Atomgewicht, que quiere decir peso atómico, aunque sean conceptos distintos que no deben confundirse).
There are two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis. Most of the time when people refer to “cell division,” they mean mitosis, the process of making new body cells.
Wood sinks in ethanol => wood has higher density than ethanol.
wood floats in gasoline=> wood has lower density than gasoline