Answer: In polar covalent bonds a pair of electrons are unequally shared between two atoms, while in nonpolar covalent bonds two atoms share a pair of electrons with each other.
I hope this helps :)
Answer: This is true.
It is true because if becomes frozen, then it is physically harder to melt...
Actually, there are four kinds of reptile motion:
Concertina - vermiform. Circular muscles around the snake squeeze the front of the snake's body out long, then the latter half is pulled forward.
Rectilinear crawling - Belly scutes are moved forward individually in a wave-like motion.
Side-winding - Snake's version of "walking". Use by several species to move over fluidic substrates, such as sand.
Lateral undulation - Most common form of movement. Snake presses on alternating pressure points to force body forward (or backward)
(taken from a user on Yahoo from Correct Answers)
There are many kinds of pyroclastic material ejected during a volcanic eruption. Ash is the most common pyroclastic rock material ejected during an eruption. Volcanic ash is so fine that it can be blown into the atmosphere and picked up by the jet stream where it can circle the Earth for several years.