Using the data, which of the following is the rate constant for the rearrangement of methyl isonitrile at 320 ∘C? (HINT: the act
ivation energy for this reaction is 160 kJ/mol) T(K) 1/T(K−1) ln k 462.9 2.160×10−3 -10.589 472.1 2.118×10−3 -9.855 503.5 1.986×10−3 -7.370 524.4 1.907×10−3 -5.757 Using the data, which of the following is the rate constant for the rearrangement of methyl isonitrile at 320 ? (HINT: the activation energy for this reaction is 160 ) ln 462.9 -10.589 472.1 -9.855 503.5 -7.370 524.4 -5.757 8.1×10−15 s−1 2.2×10−13 s−1 2.7×10−9 s−1 2.0×10−1 s−1 9.2×103 s−1