Density, mass of a unit volume of a material substance. The formula for density is d = M/V, where d is density, M is mass, and V is volume. Density is commonly expressed in units of grams per cubic centimetre. ... For example, the density of air is 1.2 kilograms per cubic metre.
c-do background research.
The scientific methods exposes the way scientists carry out their investigation and how findings are reported and at times discarded. It is systematic way of studying perceived observations in the environment.
During the course of an investigation, scientists may seek to find out about the prevailing knowledge about a phenomena and the level of research that might have been done in that regard. It is proper for such a scientist to do a background research by searching for related journals and publications in that field.
3d orbital is completely filled.
Ground Water can become polluted from when fossils and things make their way to the bottom of the ground and polluted the ground water
Because it’s called heat changes it and melts the ice