shell and tube type heat exchanger
for evaporation the shell and tube type heat exchanger is best suited.
- in the plate heat exchanger there is gaskets in between every part so this part become weak part in heat echanger and there is possibilities of leakage through this part, there is no such problem in shell and tube type.
- the plate type cant be used when there is high temperature and high pressure drop but shell and tube type can be used
- in evaporation there the liquids change into vapors due to which there is sudden change in pressure and in which plate type is not used because there is chances of leakage
To make a multiplication in scientific notation we need to multiply the coefficients and sum the exponents:
Coefficients: 2.600 * 6.1000 = 15.86
Exponents: -5 + (-5) = -10
The result is:
As the scientific notation must be given with only 1 number in the left of the point:
CuCl2-Ion-dipole forces
CuSO4-Ion-dipole forces
NH3-Dipole-dipole forces
CH3OH-Dipole-dipole forces
Water consists of a dipole. The water molecule contains a positive end and a negative end. The positive ion attracts the negative dipole of water while the positive dipole in water interacts with the negative ion of an ionic substance. This explains the dissolution of ionic substances in water.
Copper II chloride and copper sulphate are ionic substances hence they dissolve by the mechanism described above.
Molecules consisting of dipoles dissolves by interaction of the molecule's dipoles with the dipoles in water. For example, methanol interacts with water through hydrogen bonding which is involves molecular dipoles