A Newman projection, useful in alkane stereochemistry, visualizes the conformation of a chemical bond from front to back, with the front atom represented by a dot and the back carbon as a circle. The front carbon atom is called proximal, while the back atom is called distal.
A. Mafic; iron and/or magnesium
Let's find the answer by naming some minerals and their chemistry.
Mafic minerals are dark-colored whereas felsic minerals are light-colored, thats way mafic rocks are dark-colored because they are mainly composed by mafic minerals and the other way around for felsic rocks.
But remember that mafic minerals as amphiboles, pyroxenes or biotites, involve in their chemical structure iron and/or magnesium. Although calcium and sodium can be incorporated in amphiboles and clinopyroxenes, they are not involved in orthopyroxenes and biotites. On the other hand, although potassium is involved in biotite and in some extent in amphiboles, this element is not involved in pyroxenes.
So in conclusion, mafic minerals are usually dark-colored because they involve iron and/or magnesium in their chemical structures.
Giraffe, rhinoceros, grasshopper, mouse, and deer
Primary consumers eat producers (plants). Therefore, all the animals that eat the plants are primary consumers.