Eating disorders are characterized by dangerously extreme eating behaviors
False because only if you smoke then yeah
Tadpoles start off having gills like a fish but the older they get there gills start to disappear they breathe like fish because they do have gills as younglings.
Hope this helps!!
It is mostly linked to the environment people are sourounded with. To start, the person needs to recognize there is a need to change. Then set SMART goals to make that change. A healthy body image isnt a destination, its a lifestyle and a shift in mindest. Its the body and mind equilibrium.
Societal influneces are the main cause followed by an incapacity to perform certain movement, or activities...
According to the triarchic theory of intelligence, which was propounded by Robert J. Sternberg, the type of intelligence that is used in problem-solving is called the <em>analytical intelligence.</em> This type of intelligence is also referred to as componential intelligence. It gives one the ability analyze and evaluate ideas, or make logical judgment when faced with a problem. It is usually measured by a standard IQ test.