a. "It is seen when one person fabricates or induces illness in another to get attention."
Munchausen syndrome is a form of child abuse and mental illness. Usually the person in charge of caring for the child, who may even be his mother, will invent a series of false symptoms or cause them, so that they seem real. Its etiology is completely unknown, nobody knows with certainty that the cause. It is thought that suddenly the caregiver may have been the victim of some type of abuse in his childhood or presents the same syndrome.
In considering NBAC’s analytic approach, an otherwise competent person who is acutely ill might be considered at especially high risk of harm for situational cognitive vulnerability.
This type of vulnerability refers to the person who is otherwise doing a great job, but is currently in a bad situation that is preventing them from demonstrating their full capacity. This is why they are at a risk of suffering from this.
A because you’re not abusing alcohol if you don’t drink it