Jose is false because the sun which makes it a day only shines none side of the earth while the moon is on the other side so on the other half of the hemisphere the days would be getting shorter while the days get longer on the other half of the hemisphere.
No because upon subtracting x on both sides you obtain a false equation of 4=8.
The problem:
What are x values that satisfy:
Step-by-step explanation:
No number can be substituted into x+4=x+8 to make it true.
There is no number that you can find such that when you add 4 to it will give you the same as adding 8 to it.
Also if you subtract x on both sides you obtain the equation 4=8.
4=8 is not true so x+4=x+8 is never true for any x.
What do u mean like 82+82?
If it’s a negative slope A, if it’s a positive slope B