It has been estimated that ‘slash and burn’ agriculture is
used by up to 500 million people worldwide. The term describes the practice of
cutting and/or burning of natural vegetation for conversion into agricultural
fields. Besides the disastrous implications for forest ecosystems, the practice
can impact the atmosphere in two main ways if burning is implemented. Firstly
by causing air pollution from the smoke, and secondly by increasing carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas and a driver of climate
change. Living trees also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during
photosynthesis, and the process of ‘slash and burn’ effectively removes their
carbon capturing contributions to ameliorating climate change.
B. Charged Particles and Ions
Overproduction of young passing on acquired traits survival of the strongest natural selection
1) Remove the chemical
2) Remove any contaminated clothes or jewelry
3) Rinse the burn immediately
4) Loosely apply a bandage or gauze
5) Take an OTC pain reliever
6) Consider a Tetanus shot
Option (B).
Heart is the main pumping organ of the body. The human heart is divided into four chambers that are right atria, right ventricles, left atria and left ventricles.
The left and right ventricles can easily be distinguished on the basis of their thickness. The right ventricle is less thicker than left ventricle. The thickness of right ventricle is 9mm whereas the thickness of left ventricle is around 40mm.
Thus, the correct answer is option (B).