Measuring its density and comparing your result to a list of known densities, or other properties that give you useful info
You can use observations about substances to form a hypothesis about the substance by comparing it to others. Ex: if something is magnetic it must be made of one or more of the elements iron, cobalt, or nickel.
They experience the same pressure
To answer this question, we recall Pascal's, Law Pascal's law states that an increase in pressure at a point in a confined cylinder containing a fluid, there is also an equal increase at all other points in that cylinder.
According to Pascal's law the pressure if the pressure expereienced by the larger diameter piston increases, the pressure experienced by the smaller diameter piston also increases by the same amount
However considering that pressure = Force/area F1/A1 =F2/A2
thus where A1 = πD²÷4 and A2 = πD²÷ 16 we have
we have F1×4/πD² = F2×16/πD² or F1 = 4× F2
They experience the same pressure but the larger cylinder delivers four times the force transmitted from he outside to the smaller cylinder
So that other scientist can repeat their experiments
i hope i got i right