The fraction

To find this we need to realize that .66 can be converted to a fraction. The last 6 is in the hundredths place, so if we convert .66 to a fraction we will get:

If we simplify this fraction as much as we can, we will get to

To check this we can divide

. So, 2 ÷ 3 = .66, which is correct, so our answer is correct.
I hope this helped! Have an amazing day :)
Step-by-step explanation:
Here's a method of finding the area of any polygon knowing its vertices. I'm using this parallelogram as an example.
Make a table like this (each vertex with its x- and y-coordinates):
Pt x y
A 3 6
B 6 5
C 5 1
D 2 2
A 3 6
Now multiply each x-coordinate by the y-coordinate on the line below and write it on the right side. Bold type shows the first multiplication.
x y
A 3 6
B 6 5 15
C 5 1 6
D 2 2 10
A 3 6 12
Now multiply each y-coordinate by the x-coordinate on the line below and subtract from each produce you already have. Do each subtraction. Bold type shows the first multiplication.
x y
A 3 6
B 6 5 15 - 36 = -21
C 5 1 6 - 25 = -19
D 2 2 10 - 2 = 8
A 3 6 12 - 6 = 6
Add all the differences.
x y
A 3 6
B 6 5 15 - 36 = -21
C 5 1 6 - 25 = -19
D 2 2 10 - 2 = 8
A 3 6 12 - 6 = 6
The area of the polygon is the absolute value of half of the sum of the differences.
area = |-26/2| = |-13| = 13
Step-by-step explanation:
As we move from (0, 3) to (9, 0), we see x increasing by 9. This is the 'run.'
At the same time, we see y decreasing by 3. This is the 'rise.'
The slope of this line (graph) is m = rise / run = -3/9, or m = -1/3
Since we witness a decrease in y as we move from the first point to the second, we immediately suspect that the slope is negative.
not sure man... goodluck tho