Answer: H+ ia helyuim
explinanation: Hope this helped!!
Rates can be calculated with Arrhenius equation k = Axe^(-Ea/RT)
a. temperature affects the rate - imagine you are making coffee, so coffee crystals are boiled faster on higher temperature. Simplified but makes sense.
b. Ea is activation energy. Imagine, while preparing coffee, some of ingredients change to a different one, so there is a A -> B reaction (simplified). Now, Ea is energy barrier that stands on the arrow of this reaction, preventing A to transform to B. If Ea is small, reaction will go easy (not fast!), if Ea is large –reaction will not happen so easy (you ll have to use catalyst for example)
Answer: The Earth is an oblate spheroid which is more elongated along the equator.
Regions along the equator receives more amount of direct sunlight from the sun causing higher temperatures along the region. While places along the poles receives less amount of heat since heat is scattered in a larger area due to the shape of the Earth around the poles.
Explanation: So places along the equator experiences higher temperature due to the direct hit of sunlight. And places along the polar regions experiences cooler temperature since it receives less amount of sunlight.
First Law of thermodynamics says energy of the universe is constant and can only be changed in other forms of energy