in a solution solvent is the one in which solute is been dissolved that is solvent is in greater amount.
Nutrition has a significant impact on numerous reproductive functions including hormone production, folliculogenesis, fertilization, and early embryonic development
This intimate association is because reproductive processes are energetically expensive, and the brain must temper the fertility of individuals to match nutritional availability.Reproduction function in mammals can be inhibited when food availability is low or when increased energy demands are not met by compensatory food intake such as in short-term and chronic withdrawal of nutrients.This very close alignment with the food supply is more important in females, where pregnancy and lactation are linked to considerable energetic expenses, needed for the nurture of embryos and newborns. In fact, her reproductive outcome can be seriously altered and even life threatening to both the mother and offspring when nutritional imbalance occurs. In order to keep constant body energy stores, in mammals, a series of homeostatic events leading to maintenance of energy balance are activate when a state of energy scarcity or abundance occurs.
It’s the first 1 M yea it’s the first one
Heredity is when you have gotten either physical or mental traits from your parents.
Inherited in Biology: Getting traits from your parents
Inherited outside Biology: is the practice of passing on private property, titles, debts, privileges, rights, and obligations upon the death of an individual.
11.9 if i read your question correctly sorry if it’s wrong lol