The energy lost by the atoms is given off as an electromagnetic wave. ... even if it's not very intense, will always cause electrons to be emitted.
When a satellite is revolving into the orbit around a planet then we can say
net centripetal force on the satellite is due to gravitational attraction force of the planet, so we will have

now we can say that kinetic energy of satellite is given as

also we know that since satellite is in gravitational field of the planet so here it must have some gravitational potential energy in it
so we will have

so we can say that energy from the fuel is converted into kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy of the satellite
If both bars are made of a good conductor, then their specific heat capacities must be different. If both are metals, specific heat capacities of different metals can vary by quite a bit, eg, both are in kJ/kgK, Potassium is 0.13, and Lithium is very high at 3.57 - both of these are quite good conductors.
If one of the bars is a good conductor and the other is a good insulator, then, after the surface application of heat, the temperatures at the surfaces are almost bound to be different. This is because the heat will be rapidly conducted into the body of the conducting bar, soon achieving a constant temperature throughout the bar. Whereas, with the insulator, the heat will tend to stay where it's put, heating the bar considerably over that area. As the heat slowly conducts into the bar, it will also start to cool from its surface, because it's so hot, and even if it has the same heat capacity as the other bar, which might be possible, it will eventually reach a lower, steady temperature throughout.
c. is more than that of the fluid.
This problem is based on the conservation of energy and the concept of thermal equilibrium

m= mass
s= specific heat
\DeltaT=change in temperature
let s1= specific heat of solid and s2= specific heat of liquid
Heat lost by solid= 
Heat gained by fluid=
Now heat gained = heat lost
1000 S_2=800 S_1
S_1=1.25 S_2
so the specific heat of solid is more than that of the fluid.
Valleys, waterfalls, flood plains, meanders, and oxbow lakes