A size dependent property is a physical property that changes when the size of an object changes.
What occurred then is as a result of nuclear fission. This occurs as the Uranium-235 split into two smaller nuclei while releasing high energy neutrons. These neutrons bombard existing U-235 in the atmosphere and this reaction continue in a spontaneous manner until a chain reaction is formed of U-235, whose fall out fills the environment. This process was what led to people been exposed to high intensity radiation in the days and months after the atomic bomb was dropped.
Molar Volume is required to solve this problem. As we know that "1 mole of any gas at standard temperature and pressure occupies 22.4 L of volume". SO using this concept, we can calculate the volume of ammonia formed by reacting 54.1 L of Hydrogen gas as follow,
When the batter hits the ball, there is a force applied, and energy is transferred. The ball will move in the direction the force is pushing it. If two objects collide, energy will be transferred between both, and there will be a change in motion.
It has many different uses like being used to make the tube of a vacuum cleaner and also can be used to make oil in space crafts.