You can detect salt in water without tasting by measuring the density of the water. Place a glass of spring water and a glass of the suspected salt water on a balance scale and the heavier one contains salt. Other ways to test for salt in water is to put a drop of water on the end of a nail and place in a gas flame. If the water contains salt, the flame will turn a yellow/orange color.
The answer is: D.unstable nuclei emitting high-energy particles as they formed more stable compositions.
Those high-energy particles are alpha particles
, beta particles
, gamma radiation.
For example, the decay chain of ²³⁸U is called the uranium series.
Decay start with U-238 and ends with Pb-206. There are several alpha and beta minus decays.
Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852 – 1908) was a French physicist and the first person to discover evidence of radioactivity.
Becquerel wrapped fluorescing crystal (uranium salt potassium uranyl sulfate) in a cloth, along with the photographic plate and a copper Maltese cross.
Several days later, he discovered that a image of the cross appeared on the plate.
The uranium salt was emitting radiation.
Because of this discovery, Becquerel won a Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903, which he shared with Marie Curie and Pierre Curie.
p-Nitro acetanilide. 2-Naphthol aniline dye.
metal Atom
every transition metal atom are responsible for the flame color. Some metal are also confirmed by flame test.
The two atoms shown in the equation are CALCIUM and oxygen.
<span>You start off with a neutral calcium atom with a shell of two electrons, a shell of 8 around that, a shell of 8 around that, and a shell containing 2...with no charge. </span>
<span>20 protons + 20 electrons. </span>
<span>You also have an oxygen atom with a shell of 2, and a shell of 6...with no charge. </span>
<span>8 protons + 8 electrons. </span>
<span>Each ionizes to form a calcium ion with 2 electrons removed (from the outer shell), leaving a +2 charge (20 protons, 18 electrons)... </span>
<span>and an oxygen ion with 2 electrons added (to the outer shell), leaving a -2 charge (8 protons, 10 electrons). </span>
<span>Their electrostatic attraction causes them to come together to form an ionic compound of CaO in a crystal lattice.</span>