mit freundlichem Gruß or mit freundlichen Grüßen
The right answer is A.
Osmosis is a phenomenon that considers only the exchanges between two liquid solutions of different concentrations in liquid phases separated by a semi-permeable wall. Osmosis is a phenomenon of diffusion of matter, demonstrated when solvent molecules pass through a semi-permeable membrane separating two solutions whose solute concentrations are different; the overall transfer of solvent is then from the least concentrated solution (hypotonic medium) to the most concentrated solution (hypertonic medium) to equilibrium (isotonic media).
The diffusion of matter, or chemical diffusion, refers to the natural tendency of a system to render uniform the chemical potential of each of the chemical species it contains.
Chemical diffusion is an irreversible transport phenomenon that tends to homogenize the composition of the medium.
Smallpox- began Africa, spread through trade and human interaction.
Chestnut blight-isn't this a chestnut found in America?
It's likely to have a Solid Grey color.
The greatest risk environmentally with the unregulated harvesting, because it could endanger or terminate a species.