Red blood cells carry oxygen.
Being aggressive won't always help you get what you desire, the world doesn't work like that. When you're aggressive you sound like a bitter, know-it-all person. Most people can't deal with that, and instead of getting your way you could get someone to be aggressive to you and teach you a lesson. So why be a bitter aggressive person rather than turning it down a notch. Chill enjoy life, it's too short.
<u>Characteristic 1:</u>
How they Deliver
I say this in a way that their point they are getting at is not as "directive", as not everyone is as open to talk about their problem's I believe this way of not being as directive is benefitable to those.
<u>Characteristic 2:</u>
Being Respectful
This is a universal characteristic must be implemented reasoning behind this is because people come to therapists to discus their problems and also not to be judged. If a therapist is judgmental they aren't fit for that position because people not only come to you for help but also for emotional support.
<u>My reasoning</u>
These are both characteristics a therapist should have because it builds character and is needed for their career.
(You can use either of these to answer your question)