Diffusion and active transport.
Diffusion and active transport are the two types of lateral pathways that is responsible for the movement of sucrose from source cell into the sieve tube. Sugar molecules are moved into the sieve elements which are the phloem cells through active transport i.e. with the use of energy. The water produces turgor pressure in the sieve elements, which pushes the sugars and fluids down the phloem tubes toward the storage sites. it also moved through simple diffusion due to difference in concentration i.e. from higher to lower concentration region.
The muscle has two, three, or four origins, respectively. The names of muscles often indicate the action of the muscle.
The phylum that is referred by the description above is the ECHINODERMS. The echinoderms are considered as invertebrate organisms found in the ocean, this means that these organisms do not have skeletons. The most prominent feature of the echinoderms are their spikes and spines. Examples are sea stars or starfish and sea urchins.
Viruses inject DNA or RNA into the nucleus of a cell to reproduce as they cannot reproduce on their own.