The use of the term "ethical" sometimes is a bit too lax when applied to evaluate situations. However, sometimes, it can also be too harsh. In response to your two questions, these would be the answers:
1. The ethical question here would be whether Greedy was right in overusing a benefit that the charitable organization had with the First California Bank. As President of the organization, it is in the hands of Greedy to ensure not just development, but also sustainable development of the organization. However, in the course of his attempts to improve the growth and efficacy of Send Me Money, he abused the benefit of the overdraft, and not to just any extent, but to the negative balance of 10.000 dollars. Although his intentions were in favor of the organization, and he used the money wisely, there still lies the question of if he could not have accomplished just as much, without abusing a benefit that could very well mean the end of the organization. So the ethical issue is that although the intention of Greedy was in the benefit of the organization, he did not take the best interest of it into account, because if he had, he would have tried to accomplish his goals without bringing the debt so high.
2. I disapprove of the way that Bill Greedy acted because he could have accomplished much more realistic goals and not placed the organization at risk by raising the debt to a bank to such high levels. Even if he increased fundraising efforts, it is evident that these were not successful, as the debt is so high.
The independent variable is the amount of alcohol.
The dependant variable is the coordination skills. The skills depend and are affected by the amount of alcohol drunk.
According to Philip R.Shaver, there are three "behavioral systems" that play a role in romantic love: attachment, caregiving and sexual attraction.
You view love as an attachment when you are emotionally dependent on the other person for your happiness, safety and security, while love as caregiving refers to the great pleasure you receive from supporting, caring for and taking of a loved one.
Lastly, love as a sexual attraction is when you can't get the other person out of your mind and the thought of him or her excites you and turns you on.
If we will based the statement above from Shaver's model, we can say that the love being felt by John and Cynthia for each other transcends from attachment love to caregiving love.
The largest unexplored capability for metallic minerals in offshore sand deposits may also exist along the west coast of South America.
Metallic minerals occur in rare, clearly formed concentrations known as mineral deposits. these deposits can consist of a ramification of metal minerals containing precious metals which might be used in various components of our everyday lives including nickel (pentlandite) and copper (chalcopyrite).
We commonly find metallic minerals in igneous rocks. Iron, nickel, chromites, and platinum are some of the examples of minerals that are determined in igneous rocks. Igneous rocks can alternate into metamorphic rocks.
Luster describes how the mineral displays light. Metallic luster looks as if a sparkly metallic inclusive of chrome, steel, silver, or gold. metallic minerals are also usually opaque. Non-metal minerals may be brilliant and reflect mild, but, they do not appear like metal. Iron ore, copper, gold, zinc, silver, manganese, and chromite are examples of metallic minerals.
Learn more about metallic minerals here: