Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.
The answer is C it kept England safe and independent
Answer: Panic disorder along with Agoraphobia
Panic disorder doesn't refer to a single panic attack for someone to have panic disorder they must experience frequent panic attacks.
Agoraphobia occurs when someone is anxious of being around places where they feel trapped. Having a once off panic attack can not be classified as panic disorder , however when a person have repeating episodes of panic attacks that is a sign of having panic disorder.Panic attack and agoraphobia doesn't always go together, Some people may have one without the other.
Symptoms of panic disorder include:
- Reccuring and unexpected panic attacks
- constant anxiety about having a panic attack for a month after having had one.
- losing control
Symptoms of agoraphobia
- This is a fear associate with feeling trapped in an open space but still feel like you can't escape it.
- This involves things like being in in an enclosed space like a small shop or theatre
- One space like a shopping mall or car park
- Public transport such a a bus or plane or train
Or anywhere other than your own home.
Informed consent.
Informed consent simply means a decision taken by or for an individual after being informed about the proposed research or procedures, risks, benefits, and details about a research or procedures.
There need to be or have a legal informed consent if you have described to your patient or participants the research or procedure you are going to do in detail.
The features of the informed consent process.
1. The act of learning the key informations about a clinical trial before deciding whether or not to participate.
2. It helps individuals to agree or disagree in participating, health care providers involved in the trial explain the details of the study and others.
During World War I, a movement began in Canada to divide the country. It would seem as though countries that enter a war voluntarily pay the price by ending up conflicted and divided. The relations between the English and French citizens were at their lowest ever