a. 0.5 or 50%
b. 5 rolls.
Step-by-step explanation:
a. There are 30 possible outcomes for this experiment, the sample space for the outcomes in which the six-sided die produces a value larger than the roll of the five-sided die is:
S={6,1; 6,2; 6,3; 6,4; 6,5; 5,1; 5,2; 5,3; 5,4; 4,1; 4,2; 4,3; 3,2; 3,1; 2,1}
There are five outcomes when rolling a 6, four when rolling a 5, three when rolling a 4, two when rolling a 3 and one when rolling a two.
The probability is:

b. The probability of rolling a 3 on the five-sided die is 1 in 5 or 0.20. The expected number of rolls until a fair five-sided die rolls a 3 is: