Terminal velocity is given by:

Here, m is the mass of the falling object, g is the gravitational acceleration,
is the drag coefficient,
is the fluid density through which the object is falling, and A is the projected area of the object. in this case the projected area is given by:

Recall that drag coefficient for a horizontal skydiver is equal to 1 and air density is

Without drag contribution the motion of the person is an uniformly accelerated motion, thus:

1. The benefits of been assertive include the following:
a. It improve one self image: When you choose to be assertive, you adopt a self realistic image.
b. It enhance how we understand others: Been assertive helps you to see others in a more realistic context.
c. Promote self awareness and self confidence: Been assertive helps you to develop a greater respect for your own points of view when dealing with issues.
d. Been assertive is a less stressful way of communicating.
2. The three steps needed to develop assertive communication, include:
a. Learn to 'no' more often: refuse to please everyone and do not behave according to people expectations of you. Be yourself.
b. Your tone must be properly turned when talking: Do not raise your voice or rush a communication. Be calm and cool when talking.
c. Be open to communication: Be willing to discuss issues until a suitable solution is found.
d. Pay attention to non-verbal communication of others: Keep eye contact when communicating and pay attention to other body gestures.
A person is guilty of second degree misdemeanor if he or she
makes a false statement or commits forgery about their motor vehicle’s
You would be required to have bodily injury liability
insurance in Florida if you are involved in a crash where your vehicle has
caused damage to the property of others.
Though, a person is not required to have a Bodily
Injury Liability<span> (BI) to legally drive an automobile in the state
of Florida. Nevertheless, it would be possible if you are driving under the
influence since you are driving while impaired, driving while intoxicated or
drunk driving.</span>
A, B, and C are good reasons for my friend not to worry
The following reasons are reason not to worry
A. The only way to lose additional partial credit on a hint is by using the "give up" button or entering incorrect answers. Leaving the question blank will not cost you any credit (Regardless of whether you open a link or not, you will lose credit if you enter a wrong answer or if you give up on a question by hitting the "give up" button. Even after opening a hint, you can leave the question blank if the hint does not provide relevant hints or if the hint brings up more question. Once the question is left blank, you do not lose additional partial credit)
B. As an incentive for thinking hard about the problem, your instructor may choose to apply a small hint penalty, but this penalty is the same whether the hint simply gives information or asks another question (In a situation where you decide to use a hint, the instructor may have put a penalty for using the hint, so whether it asks a question or help in the solution of the question, as long as the hint is consulted, the hint penalty still applies)
C. Getting the correct answer to the question in a hint actually gives you some partial credit, even if you still can't answer the original question (An advantage of using hint is that you get some partial credit for using it if you answer the hint question correctly and fails to answer the original question)