There is no such thing as a skull bone. The skull is a flat bone that protects the brain.
The top part of the skull is made up of different pieces of bone that are fused together. You have the Frontal(1), Parietal(2), Temporal(2), Occipital(1), Sphenoid(1), and Ethmoid(1). Then you have the facial bones which make up the bottom part of the entire skull. The facial bones include Zygomatic(2), Maxilla(1), Nasal(1), Lacrimal(2), and Mandible(1).
Class I is an emergancy recall and the patients must be notified immediatly to discontinue use, and the medication will be removed from all shelves immediatly.
AVMs are known as a genetic condition in which blood vessels are formed incorrectly in the brain or spine. As these vessels are malformed they could break, which can lead to bleeding into the brain.