you could have an equally non physical active lifestyle at home and could barely be at your job.
Talk to his doctor
he should talked to his doctor because there might be something wrong or he needs to make sure
for additional information heres some Cholesterol is a fat-like, waxy substance that can be found in all parts of your body. It helps your body make cell membranes, many hormones, and vitamin D.
Being a biomedical photographer requires postsecondary education in biological, biomedical or biocommunications photography. To work in a specialized field, one additionally needs training in that specific area.
Biomedical photographers, also known as medical or biological photographers, produce medical or scientific images using advanced digital equipment. These photographs are typically used in scientific publications, medical journals, research reports and teaching materials. Biomedical photographers usually have extensive knowledge in science, photography and computer applications. Postsecondary education and work experience are required.